Shipping and Returns

Once an order is placed, it is typically dispatched within a day or two. If you are based in the UK, your order should arrive in just a few days. For other countries, shipping times may vary. For the United States, the usual shipping time is around 7 business days.

Damaged Products & Refunds:
In the unlikely event that a product arrives damaged, it is possible to receive a replacement free of charge for prints. Paintings and sculptures are usually produced in limited editions, so replacement may not be possible. In such cases, depending on the nature of the damage, a full or partial refund can be arranged. To process a full refund for a damaged item, it may be necessary to return the item in its original packaging with a tracked shipment. The cost of the return is paid by the customer, and it will be added to the refund amount, including the original shipping cost, as soon as the damaged item arrives.
Before returning a damaged item, please contact me at, including some pictures of the damaged item, so we can discuss available options, including a full refund.

Lost Products by Mail:
If you believe an item has been lost in the mail, please contact me at with the order details so I can check it with the courier company.

Please note that I generally do not accept returns for prints, as each print is made to order specifically for the customer. However, I am willing to evaluate the situation and discuss a possible solution if needed. Please contact me at If the item arrives damaged, please see the section Damaged Products & Refunds.

All Other Types of Artworks
I offer a 14-day cooling-off period for you to assess the artwork in your home and ensure you’re comfortable with it. If, for any reason, you decide the artwork is not for you, you can return it within 14 days of receipt. The cost of the return is paid by the customer, and this cost is not refundable. The item should be returned with its original packaging or similar to ensure proper protection. Returns need to be tracked, and, depending on the artwork, insurance may be required.

Before returning an artwork, please contact me at so I can process your request.